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Enron Credit RiskSheet

With the Enron Credit RiskSheet, credit data is delivered to you in the form of a simple spreadsheet so you can more easily use, store and manipulate the data. Select the names you want to track and then the spreadsheet, containing Enron Cost of Credit (ECC) and other information, is e-mailed to you on a prearranged frequency. If desired, you can also receive e-mail price alerts that notify you whenever a company in your portfolio experiences a significant price change.

 The RiskSheet allows you to :
  Select the names you want to monitor with an easy-to-use portfolio tool
  Access over 200,000 data points of credit information
  View prices per company and the percent change over certain time period
  Monitor significant changes in the quality of your portfolio via price alerts
  Receive updates on pre-arranged schedule to suit your needs (daily or weekly)

The Enron Credit RiskSheet is delivered to you as a simple Excel spreadsheet, which you can then transfer into your in-house software and systems. If you are a regular user of our information, you might want to consider subscribing to the RiskSheet so you can access credit data on your own PC, without having to log onto our website every time you need updated information.

Click here to access FAQs regarding the RiskSheet.

Please click here if you would like to download a copy of the RiskSheet Brochure (PDF file). You will need Adobe Acrobat installed on your machine to view this document.

To become an Enron Credit RiskSheet subscriber, contact us today.