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Interested in viewing Enron Cost of Credit (ECC) information for a specific industry sector? Want to see how the ECC for a particular company compares to others in its industry? Are you concerned about your credit exposure to a given company or industry? If so, take a look at our corporate credit indices.

Our indices, which are based on ECC data, have been created specifically to help you judge industry credit quality. The indices are updated daily and can be viewed at a point in time or monitored as a trend over time. Each index contains credit information for a representative sample of companies within a given sector or geography.

  We use the following methodology to create the indices :
  Reference companies are chosen based on company size and availability of credit information
  Company size is based on Total Liabilities, which includes loans, bank debt and current liabilities (e.g. trade creditors)
  Companies within the index are weighted based on size, and then the ECC is averaged based on weighting
On our website, you can currently find indices for the following industries:
gas airlines
electric/power automotive manufacturers
oil and gas producers telecom
Currently, our indices are focused geographically on North America and Western Europe. In some instances, global indices are being created where localized indices are not feasible and/or where the reference companies are heavily involved in international commerce.

Indices for additional industry sectors and geographic locations will be added in the future.