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General Credit:   +1 888 337 9876 0800 085 5386 or +44 (0) 20 7783 5151
Technical:   + 1 866 444 3556 0800 085 3006 or +44 (0) 207 783 5555
Trading:   + 1 713 853 5077 +44 (0) 207 783 4242
Careers:   + 1 713 853 6570 +44 (0) 207 783 7740
 Contact Details   Key in your contact details for information on companies.
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Company Name:   Phone:  
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 Type of Request   Check all boxes that apply.
   I would like information on the Enron Cost of Credit (ECC)
   I would like information on managing my credit risk exposure
   I would like information on Enron Credit RiskSheet service
   I would like an Enron Credit representative to telephone me
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    If you would like ECC information on a specific portfolio of companies, please use this email link to send a
    spreadsheet of names to us.
    If you would like some more information about Enron Credit, please see About Us section or submit your request now.