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Registered users receive access to the Enron Cost of Credit for thousands of companies and indices for ten industries, as well as educational modules and risk calculators

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Alcatel SA
This chart illustrates the variation in the Enron Cost of Credit for Alcatel SA.

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Registration offers you access to the Enron Cost of Credit for more than 10,000 companies, indices for 10 industries, educational modules and more.
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The Enron Cost of Credit (ECC)
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Credit Risk Mitigation
A Risk-Management Tool for Non-Bank Corporates
Enron Turns Internal Credit-Risk Tool Into New Products
Taking a Closer Look at Credit Derivatives.
Enron Credit offers products on EnronOnline
Caterpillar Inc. - lots of legs to stand on

For more information about our ECC or credit risk mitigation services call +44(0)20 7783 5151 (UK) or +1 713 853 5077 (US)
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