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As market conditions change, the credit protection you need also changes. There are a variety of credit risk management instruments currently available in the market that give you the ability to hedge your credit exposure. Risk mitigation tools we offer include Credit Default Swaps, Digital Bankruptcy Swaps and other structured derivative products such as first-to-default baskets and first loss baskets.
Each of these products is designed to help you manage your credit risk and protect you against the credit deterioration, default, or bankruptcy of your counterparts.

Digital Bankruptcy Swaps and Credit Default Swaps give you the ability to make your credit portfolio more liquid and hedge portions of your portfolio as needed. With the Digital Bankruptcy Swap, you can also purchase bankruptcy protection against specific counterparts.

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If you would like to transact with us, please Contact Us. Or, join EnronOnline™ to trade Bankruptcy Swaps and Credit Default Swaps in real-time.

Please note: only Professional level members of Enron Credit can view Digital Bankruptcy Swap prices. Transactions are documented under the Enron Bankruptcy Swap General Terms and Conditions.