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Build custom portfolios to track credit data for companies of specific interest to you. As a registered Enron Credit member, you can easily build, update and manage your own credit portfolios.

  Custom portfolios allow you to :
Track credit data on specific companies or industries
View specific credit data - including Enron Cost of Credit (ECC), estimated recovery rates, Digital bankruptcy swap prices or estimated probability of bankruptcy
Update, edit, add or delete names within your portfolios
Assess your credit risk using the Credit Cost Calculator
Select frequency of price alerts for specific companies

Portfolios allow you to quickly view credit information on specific companies or industries, so you don't have to search through our entire database each time you need an updated price. Simply create a custom portfolio and save it so you can instantly access the desired information every time you visit the site.

In addition to the portfolios you can maintain directly on our website, you can request to have portfolio data e-mailed to you in a spreadsheet format. With the Enron Credit RiskSheet, you can select the frequency of updates and price alerts, and have ECC and other prices delivered to you in a simple Excel spreadsheet.

Please click here to view a sample portfolio.